Art Therapy
Art therapy calls on creativity to enhance the well-being of people and builds on the natural connection to all cultures and human experience. It utilises a variety of art modalities that interplay person-centred care within a therapeutic relationship, prompting emotional wellbeing and enhancing positive mental health.
It incorporates non-verbal self-exploration, expression, and communication. It provides children with an opportunity to recognise and externalise fears, gain personal insights, reduce trauma and aid recovery. In addition, studies have identified a positive impact on increasing hope and resilience, and allowing healing to occur as best it can be.
Using a variety of art therapy methods, art therapists creatively address the psychological, emotional, spiritual, and social needs of children and their families.
Art Therapy is known to assist young people who may:
– be experiencing pain, stress or anxiety
– require assessment for appropriate sensory stimulation
– be adjusting to a chronic illness
– require distraction and emotional support
– seek to build relaxation and general wellbeing skills
– need support for developmental, emotional and psychological problems.
Meet our Art Therapists:
Art Therapist