Developmental and Behavioural Paediatrics
Paediatricians with specialist training in developmental and behavioural paediatrics are expert in the assessment and management of children and adolescents with;
– Learning difficulties
– Attention problems including ADHD
– Social and friendship difficulties
– Autism Spectrum Disorder
– Speech/language or other developmental delays
– Challenging and oppositional behaviour
– Tics and Tourette’s disorder
– Toileting issues
– Infant crying/settling issues
– Mental health including anxiety/depression
These often complex presentations may require additional assessments and multi-disciplinary care from allied health professionals and other supports within their education setting. You will work with your paediatrician as a team to set goals, monitor progress and help your child maximise their potential.
Meet our Development and Behavioural Peadiatricians:
Developmental & Behavioural Paediatrician
General Paediatrician
Paediatric Emergency Physician