Aggressive toddler behaviour

As a parent or caregiver, you want to teach your toddler how to interact with others in a positive and respectful manner. One of the most common challenges that parents face when it comes to socialising their toddlers is teaching them not to push other kids.

Pushing is a natural behaviour for toddlers as they learn about their surroundings and assert their independence. However, it’s important to teach your child that pushing is not an acceptable way to interact with others. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some effective strategies for teaching your toddler not to push other kids.

  1. Set clear boundaries

The first step in teaching your toddler not to push is to set clear boundaries. Make it clear to your child that pushing is not okay and will not be tolerated. You can do this by using simple language such as “We don’t push our friends” or “We use gentle hands.”

  1. Be consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to teaching your child any new behaviours. If you allow your child to push one day and then scold them for it the next, they may become confused and unsure about what is acceptable behaviour. Be sure to consistently enforce the boundaries you have set.

  1. Model good behaviours

Toddlers learn by imitating those around them. Therefore, it’s important to model good behaviour when interacting with your child and others. Show your child how to use kind words and gentle touches when playing with friends.

  1. Use positive reinforcement

When your child does behave appropriately, be sure to praise them for it. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in reinforcing good behaviour and encouraging your child to continue to behave well.

  1. Teach empathy

One of the reasons toddlers push is because they don’t yet understand how their actions affect others. Teaching your child empathy can help them develop an understanding of how others feel and encourage them to be gentler in their interactions. You can do this by talking to your child about how their actions affect others and encouraging them to consider the feelings of those around them.

In conclusion, teaching your toddler not to push other kids takes time, patience, and consistency. By setting clear boundaries, modelling good behaviour, using positive reinforcement, and teaching empathy, you can help your child develop the social skills they need to interact positively with others. Remember, every child is different, so it’s important to be patient and adapt these strategies to suit your child’s individual needs.