Telehealth appointments

Home Telehealth Appointments

To connect for your scheduled Telehealth appointment please select your treating health professional below.

Dr Raffaela ArmientoConnect with Raffa on Doxy

Dr Yoko AsakawaConnect with Yoko on Doxy

Lia AvisarConnect with Lia on Doxy

Carly DebinskiConnect with Carly on Doxy

Heidi GilmourConnect with Heidi on Doxy

Eugene KuaConnect with Eugene on Doxy

Christine KwaConnect with Christine on Doxy

Fuyu KwokConnect with Fuyu on Doxy

Leanne OshryConnect with Leanne on Doxy

Dr Maurizio PacilliConnect with Maurizio on Doxy

Laura PejnovicConnect with Laura on Doxy

Dr Eli ShmerlingConnect with Eli on Doxy

Lane ShmerlingConnect with Lane on Doxy

Lauren ShortConnect with Lauren on Doxy

Dr Ary SudarmanaConnect with Ary on Doxy

Lena TanConnect with Lena on Doxy

Dr Elizabeth WheelerConnect with Elizabeth on Doxy

Ms Andrea WrightConnect with Andrea on Doxy

Dr Kenny YeohConnect with Kenny on Doxy