Dr Kenny Yeoh
Developmental & Behavioural Paediatrician
General Paediatrician
Paediatric Emergency Physician
MBBS (Hons); B. Pharmacy (Hons) FRACP
Contact Info

Dr Kenny Yeoh
Dr Kenny Yeoh is a general paediatrician and paediatric emergency physician. Having initially gaining his qualifications as a pharmacist, he completed post graduate medicine at the University of Melbourne in 2011. His specialist training in paediatrics has been at the Royal Children’s, Monash Children’s Hospital and the Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Sunshine as well as short stints in rural regional Queensland in indigenous health.
When he’s not busy looking after his daughters, Kenny is usually travelling with his family or out exploring the roads on his bike.
Kenny has joint appointments at the Epworth Health, Monash Health and Northern Health. His public appointments are as a paediatric emergency physician where he enjoys the variety, fast pace and challenges of seeing acutely unwell children and teenagers.
Kenny welcomes all referrals for all paediatric and developmental concerns including asthma, eczema and allergies; neonatal health; infant feeding or sleeping issues; bed-wetting and constipation; poor growth and concerns about early or late onset of puberty. Kenny can also help when parents are concerned about how their child is learning.