Jess Belobrov
Lactation Consultant
Newborn and Early Childhood Consultant
Contact Info

Jess Belobrov
Jess Belobrov is a Melbourne based Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Registered Midwife, Child Birth & Breastfeeding Educator and Mum of two gorgeous boys. She has a love of all things pregnancy, birth, breast feeding and beyond and is extremely passionate about educating and supporting parents to build confidence with their babies and achieve their feeding goals.
Jess has worked as a Midwife across all areas of maternity since 2010 and after having two children of her own and experiencing breastfeeding and the postnatal period first-hand, Jess qualified as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in 2018.
In this time, Jess has been educating and supporting women and their partners to overcome challenges, gain confidence and improve their feeding journey. Jess works with compassion and sensitivity and strives to empower families, providing individual plans for everyone’s unique needs.
Many women think that breast feeding is something that happens naturally, when in fact, for babies it is instinctive but for most mothers it is a learned skill that can require gentle support and guidance. They say it takes a village to raise a baby and Jess is dedicated to being a part of that village for as many women and families as possible!